About myself,
the images and how i get them

ViDa Gonzalez - Geometric Equations

My birth name is Víctor Daniel González Díaz but for the purpose of signing the books I write and the illustrations I create I use my spiritual pseudonym VïDâ, bestowed on me by my venerated Guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
VïDâ is a word that He created by interweaving the first two letters of my first and middle names. In Spanish, my first language and the tongue of my ancestors, “vida” means life.
I am a carpenter by trade and a self-taught illustrator.

I have been a Yoga practitioner and a regular meditator for quite a while and that is how I ended up being introduced to the Geometric Equations I am presenting to you today.
My Beloved Master calls the work I do Cryptic Art, but I respectfully choose to use the more generic term Geometric Equations.
These images belong to one of the many alternative realms that exist in parallel to what we call the third dimension.

The procedure of receiving the information needed for me to complete the creative process starts with a meditation and once I have achieved the deep meditative state required, I am “taken” to the different dimensions where I would get the instructions I will need in order to create the illustrations.

In my very limited experience, there are millions of dimensions of which the third is simply the lowest.
The overall purpose of the work I do is to facilitate the awakening process needed by humans to enter the Golden Era in an auspicious manner by avoiding the fears controlling our civilization at present.
My Master has likened the process of emergence from the darkness we are immersed in to “the rewiring of the brain by replacing the outdated copper wire with a much more appropriate optical fibre”.
It must be said that these G.E. are not a cure for anything at all, but they will initiate a defragmenting process within the brain that will allow our most important organ to create cells of the highest quality based on unconditional love, rather than fear.
There are seventy-four hundred Geometric Equations in total, so as part of the process of awakening, the individual observer will feel attracted to one or a combination of a few illustrations until the Law of Saturation indicates to them when the cryptic information has reached its optimal level, whatever that might be according to every person’s present stage of spiritual development.
These G.E. describe a reality that cannot be seen by the physical eye, so full of blemishes, but that can be effortlessly perceived during a deep meditative trance.
Siddhartha Gautama, the being most people know as the Buddha, spoke of “Kalapas”, which are the smallest unit of physical matter, hundreds of millions of times smaller than the head of a pin. We call them “Luminic Filaments”, an invisible configuration of matter that assumes the shape of our thoughts, therefore, it never stops pulsating.
Those Luminic Filaments give a visible structure to our beliefs, concepts and opinions by aligning themselves into different shapes and forms, and once the thought has served its purpose, they disarrange and return to a realm of infinite possibilities.
That is, in brief, what my work is about. An alternative reality.

Thank you

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