Geometric Equations

Geometric equations
explained by the author

The graphic images I am presenting to you can be described as Geometric Equations and they are my personal way of expressing my profound devotion to the Absolute Supreme Being without form, name, or attributes which in my view cannot be epitomised by any kind of church or religious congregation.
As such, the work I do must speak for itself, which would explain why there are no written words backing or even describing the illustrations.
In my humble opinion using words to try and persuade anyone of the Geometric Equation’s value as a “spiritual tool” would take an elaborate and deceitful fabrication and I could not do the work I do if I were to use dishonesty as a tool just to sell it.

I am an instrument, not unlike a fork or a pencil. However, I know I am not the hand holding the tool and doing the work.

If any person were to feel attracted to a particular illustration, to me that would clearly indicate that there is something in it that the individual could extract some benefit from, but an ornate discourse or an intellectual interpretation are not needed at all.
My only intention is to serve my Creator by serving my siblings, not to try and gain fame and riches.
It would have to be inferred that I consider everything in existence as my sibling, including a snake or a small pebble as, in my personal view, we are all individual cells in the vast body of the Lord.
I do not expect anyone to understand the work I do, for I do not fully understand it myself. I just do what I have been guided to do and respectfully allow the end result of this labour of love to be determined by the relationship between the pilgrim and whatever his or her idea of God might be.
There is only one God, but each person will conceive and name that almighty power according to their respective spiritual development. There are no rights or wrongs. 

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